In my last post, I spoke about how my sister gave me a helping hand. As much as I hate to admit it, I needed the push, but also resigned myself to thinking that it was a sign of weakness. I thought that by asking for help, one is admitting defeat, but today, I see that asking for help, opens doors to the places (and destinations) one needs to be.
Those of you who know me, will know that I'm a proud mommy since my last blog. I am proud because I have a beautiful baby daughter and I'm proud to say that during my pregnancy, I had given my best and tried to do the right thing by still being active, avoiding caffeine and junk food (as much as possible) and had to maintain a slower weight gain throughout my pregnancy due to health risks associated with my pregnancy.
Almost 8 months after my daughter's birth, I take a look at myself now and I look back at my posts when I was more fitter than what I am now and I feel a bit sad. I had regained all the weight back and then some more. A couple of times I had attempted getting back onto my eating plan and now and then I will go to the gym, but its not enough and I needed help desperately.
So I spoke to my doctor and yes, there is help out there, I only needed to ask for it. For my BMI category, which is classified as obese (BMI greater than 30), there are a range of scheduled medicine to take and I was advised to take Duromine 15mg. How it works and the side-effects were explained to me and I accepted the help. A part of me feels like I'm taking the easy route out, but a part of me knows that I need to do something drastic in order to improve my health and fitness.
So, today, I'm standing in front of an open door and I'm gonna walk through it to see where it leads me and I will take you all along this journey with me.
At 101 kg, I have decided that if I want to ride bike with my daughter, or run a 5km with her, that I would need to get into the right frame of mind and stick to it. So I am starting with a healthy eating plan in conjunction with the Duramine and making it a point to be active at least 3 times a week.
Have a happy weekend all!
Dont forget to add your daily ab workout :)And a little "baba" encouragement :)