Hi All,
I've been quiet for a while now, and not as diligent as I should be when it comes to the updates. Thanks to everyone who has enquired about my status and also motivated me to continue, I do appreciate that you're expressing an interest in my cause and in my life.
From my last update, I informed you all that I would go for the Vitality Health Assessment and a Zumba class. I kept true to my word and did both. From the results of the assessment, you'll see that I still have a long way to go in terms of getting fit and healthier. Not everything is doom and gloom, I thoroughly enjoyed the Zumba class and loved the rythms and the hips swaying and the busts moving seductively (picture Beyoncè and her most daring dance moves here).
I've been absent from gym for a while after my Zumba class and my absence made me pick up a little weight. I'm currently at 84.9 kg. I have started following a new work-out plan that incorporates cardio and weight training, this specially adapted for me by my biokineticist.
Yesterday, 12 July 2009, I completed my second Pirates 10km race. It was a good route, with uphills within the first 5km and then downhill for most of the second 5km. I didn't go as fast as I wanted to, but did keep a steady pace...jogging that is. I even managed to run uphill and have a conversation with Faizel and other passers-by (and they do pass me). The thing I enjoy most at these races are the camaraderie amongst all the people. The bonding between family, the people you often meet at other races, people on whom you've made such an impression, that they still remember you after a year (even if you don't remember them at first) and can compliment you on your weight loss (Thanks Linda!) and most of all, the organisers, cheering you on, getting excited when they see you working hard at it and shouting "Good on you girl, keep it up". My time for this 10 km is: 1h 44 min. On 26 July 2009, we'll be doing the Discovery WTT, its going to be fun because most of my friends will join me in the walk.
Till next week (I promise)...
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